Terms and Condition

Welcome to SendGiftPakistan.com, below are the terms and services for the visitors and the customers who used this website. You must agree the terms and conditions of SendGiftPakistan.com for using or for placing order.

1. Substitution:

SendGiftPakistan always delivers the products as displayed on web site and from the same stores as indicated. However, in certain unavoidable circumstances like unavailability of products or the product not available in certain area, meeting these conditions SendGiftPakistan reserves the right to replace the item with the best substitute available of the same value.

2. Delivery Time:

SendGiftPakistan delivers your gift during the same day as per the delivery date selected by the customer, the delivery time start from 10am and ends at 10pm. We do not take or commit any timely delivery and the timing instruction written on Order Notes by the customer.

3. Unavailable Recipient:

If the receiver is not at the address provided and do not attend the call, we will left the items with the neighbor with a note for the customer. If the receiver denies accepting the item, SendGiftPakistan reserve the right to charge the customer in full for the order.

4. Late Deliveries:

Due to some unavoidable circumstances (like weather conditions, strikes, holidays, incorrect addresses provided etc. etc.) SendGiftPakistan reserves the right to postpone the delivery to next day.

5. Trademark, Company Names:

SendGiftPakistan do not claim the ownership or right of the Trademarks, Brands and Company Names used at this website, these are legal property of their respective owners and companies. References to these brands, products and trademarks are here at this website is solely for the identification purpose only.

6. Quality of the Product:

At SendGiftPakistan we make sure to deliver the best quality products from the prescribed source but SendGiftPakistan is not responsible for not meeting the customer’s quality expectation of certain product from any brand or store.